fun was founded by the 3 of us at a time when we were coming out of our own bands. one thing that has always been so special about fun is that we exist as 3 individuals in music who come together to do something collaborative. we make fun records when we are super inspired to do so. currently nate is working on his first solo album, andrew is ... .
Fun definition is - what provides amusement or enjoyment; specifically : playful often boisterous action or speech. How to use fun in a sentence. Can something be funner or funnest? Synonym Discussion of fun. .
fun (fŭn) n. 1. Enjoyment; amusement: We had fun at the beach. 2. A source of enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure: Was the party fun? v. funned, fun·ning, funs Informal v.intr. To speak or act facetiously; joke or fool. To tease or speak playfully to. adj. Informal Enjoyable; amusing: "You're a real fun guy" (Margaret Truman). Idiom: for/in fun As ... .
92 synonyms of fun from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 166 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Find another word for fun. Fun: someone or something that provides amusement or enjoyment.