Ye-ye definition, of, relating to, or characteristic of the rock-'n'-roll music, fashions, entertainment, etc., of the 1960s, especially in France. See more. .
Yé-yé (French pronunciation: ) (yeyé in Spanish) was a style of pop music that emerged from Southern Europe in the early 1960s. The term "yé-yé" was derived from the English term "yeah! yeah!", popularized by British beat music bands such as the Beatles. .
50+ videos Play all Mix - DJ Nelson - Ye Ye Ye [Official Video] YouTube DJ Nelson Flow La Discoteka (CD Completo) - Duration: 1:12:09. Melaza Reggaeton Viejo 31,370 views .
TM Bax - "Ni Copito" OFFICIAL AUDIO - Duration: 3:15. Radio Javan 171,003 views. 3:15. Language: English Location: United States Restricted Mode: Off History Help