The fourth and final season of the Attack on Titan anime television series, subtitled Attack on Titan: The Final Season, is produced by MAPPA, chief directed by Jun Shishido, and directed by Yūichirō Hayashi, replacing Tetsurō Araki and Masashi Koizuka respectively. .
After the battle at Fort Slava, the army prepares to come back home. With everything for him at stake, Zeke proposes a new plan in order to amend their failure four years ago in Shiganshina. .
مشاهدة وتحمیل جمیع حلقات انمی الاکشن والمغامرة هجوم العمالقة: الموسم الاخیر Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season 2020 S04 HD الموسم الرابع مترجم اون لاین و... .
The fourth season of the Shingeki no Kyojin anime series is the ending of the entire story. Pic credit: WIT Studio. The Attack On Titan Season 4 release date is certain to be highly anticipated ...