Grand Theft Auto Online, more commonly known as GTA Online, is an online multiplayer action-adventure game developed by Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games. The game released on October 1, 2013 and is bundled with Grand Theft Auto V. A standalone version of the game is scheduled to be released in fall 2021. .
GTA 5 Online Play Now Grand Theft Auto V is completely free to play on the : Website : GTA 5 Online Games has put the entire premium edition of GTA V for free. .
Download the app and play GTA 5 online now! You may also ask: Is it free to play GTA V online? To play GTA online you first have to buy the game on Steam. You can also subscribe to Vortex for only 9,99 $/month to enjoy online GTA 5 gameplay on every platform: PC, mobile and smart TV. How to play GTA online? GTA online has never been that easy. .
Description: GTA Online Game - Roll up on a dangerously fun, wildly expansive, and overwhelmingly rich trip to the City of Sin! Enjoy everything Vegas has to offer, from shooting up rival gangs and stealing cars to race down the strip, to pushing your luck at the casino and customizing your threads. .
GTA III and the following games can be distinguished by a fascinating story, the hight quality of character sounding and in game radio stations. The latter imitate a round-the-clock broadcast with interesting guests, ironic DJs, advertisement, talk shows, musics of various genres and many links to American culture.